Dear Friend,

Meeksha was always curious and eager to learn, but opportunities were few in her village – until now. Meeksha is excited to be one of the inaugural 60 students at Shanti Bhavan 2, where she will learn, grow, and build a future that once seemed unreachable. Over the next 14 years, Meeksha will move from learning to read and write to preparing for college and, eventually, her first job. At Shanti Bhavan 2, she and other students like her have the support they need every step of the way.

Building on our foundational principles, Shanti Bhavan 2 broadens our impact and empowers children like Meeksha. Modern classrooms, dormitories, and play areas allow children to explore their interests and forge lasting friendships. Quiet gardens offer a space to explore and connect with nature. With a passionate team of educators, staff, and volunteers who will guide them on their academic journeys, Meeksha and her peers are poised to thrive.

Shanti Bhavan 2 opens its doors on July 15, and we’re excited to share some behind-the-scenes photos as preparation continues!

This new school is a tribute to you. Thank you for your vision and belief in the power of education. Your support is reaching more children than ever and reshaping their destinies. 

Warmest Regards,
Gowri Manoharan
Director of Operations
Shanti Bhavan Children’s Project